[Forest Ep 67] Lock and Key

Happy New Year everyone! I’m aiming to finish the Forest Chapter in 2023 and who knows what adventures they’ll have after that (I have ideas, just need to write the stories). This chapter has been going on for a long time and I can kinda see the finish line and I’m very excited for that.

4 thoughts on “[Forest Ep 67] Lock and Key

  1. I love that Emilia is a bit of a mess, but somehow has the sense to WARD her sleeping spell. Shoutout to my favorite goth witch!!

  2. ah, nothing to start off a new year like the ol Lock and Key ward!
    now that I think of it, most of the magic we’ve seen Emilia use has been cartomancy based; is that her major or does she just like being dramatic with her deck?
    or maybe both! why not?

    1. Good observation! Yeah, why not both. 😀 Cards are Emilia’s thing. I thought different characters should focus on different areas of magic, like Isobel uses herbs and potions and Sunny is into mushrooms.

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